The most important and innovative outcome of Web-COSI is the development of a Wiki of Progress Statistics or Wikiprogress Data Portal.
The Wiki of Progress Statistics, set up on the Wikiprogress platform hosted by OECD, is built up with the aim to strengthen the links between statistics producers and the Web 2.0 communities allowing users to upload information and results (including data and metadata) on measuring different dimensions of societal progress with the ambitious final aim to maximise the use of both official and non-official data by citizens, policy actors, and social entrepreneurs.
Wiki of Progress Statistics is expected to become an invaluable tool for the community of researchers, practitioners and policy makers operating in this area. The tool will be designed to:
- Have the interface accessible and user-friendly
- Make uploading and updating data easily for providers
- Ensure the coverage and quality of content
- Maximise the potential for visualisation and storytelling
- Reach a wide audience for its usage
Access Wikiprogress Data Portal to register and add any initiative, data and reports you would like to share, and to explore the main features of the platform.
Wiki of progress statistics – redesign of Wikiprogress.stat
This report describes the decisions and actions taken to develop a new data-sharing portal on the Wikiprogress website: a key deliverable of the Web-COSI CAPS project. The report first describes the reasons the new portal was needed, then sets out the steps taken up to the release of the beta version (made available to the public on Wikiprogress on August 29th), and finally explains the next steps to be taken in the future.
To view report, click here!