Using Technology to Engage Citizens with Well-being Statistics – Perspectives from Official Statistics and Government Presentations are now available (see below) in relation to the workshop “Using Technology to Engage Citizens with Well-being Statistics – Perspectives from Official Statistics and…
Workshop and Live Webcast: Using Technology to Engage Citizens with Well-being Statistics – Perspectives from Official Statistics and Government
The use of technology to engage citizens with well-being statistics is a relatively new area, and the purpose of this workshop is to explore experiences and best practices from national statistics offices and governments. This is the second of two…
Presentations Available: Using Technology to Engage Citizens with Well-being Statistics – Workshop
Presentations are now available (see below) in relation to the workshop “Using Technology to Engage Citizens with Well-being Statistics – Perspectives from Civil Society”. The workshop explored in further detail, the role of digital technologies in engaging citizens with ‘beyond…
Using Technology to Engage Citizens with Well-being Statistics – Workshop
Following on from the recent online discussions on Wikiprogress: i) Making data more accessible for society at large and ii) Engaging citizens in well-being and progress statistics, we would like to inform you about a workshop that will build upon…
Making data more accessible for society at large: the role of open data, communication and technology
Making data more accessible for society at large: the role of open data, communication and technology From 11 June 09:00 (GMT) until 24 June 2014! CIVICUS, Data-Pop Alliance, Partnership for Open Data, PARIS21, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Ushahidi, Web-COSI…