On 16th December 2014 Web-COSI participated in the Share and Inspire CAPS/Social Innovation Infoday organized by the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission with the support of the CAPS2020 project. The Infoday, held at the premises of the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium) provided more than 100 participants with presentations on the main results of the on-going CAPS projects and an overview of the upcoming CAPS Call under Horizon 2020.
The event provided an opportunity for presenting on and discussing Web-COSI’s main objectives, mid-term results and 2015 activities. Donatella Fazio, project scientific coordinator, highlighted the role of data information as a pillar to drive societal behaviour for social innovation. She pointed out the effort carried out by Web-COSI to create a critical mass on the importance of statistics beyond GDP that measure societal progress in terms of well-being and sustainability.
The Web-COSI presentation was highly appreciated by the participants giving rise to a stimulating debate.
To find out more, please view the slides presented: click here!