On 9 January 2014 the kick off meeting of the project Web COmmunities for Statistics for Social Innovation was held in Rome, at Istat premises.
The event officially launched the activities of the two-year co-ordination action Web-COSI project (1/2014-12/2015), funded by the European Commission – DG CONNECT within the 7th Framework Programme, coordinated by Istat with the partnership of Wikiprogress (OECD), Lunaria and i-genius.
During the meeting a lot of emphasis was given by the different speakers to Web-COSI general aim to foster the engagement of citizens and society at large in the area of new measures of societal progress and well-being using the opportunities given by Web 2.0 technology. The project’s specific objective to implement tools for collecting, producing and visualizing information and data towards a better integration of official and non-official statistics was fully debated. Among its activities, it was outlined that Web-COSI will develop a Wiki of progress statistics involving communities to access data, fostering the use of locally generated grassroots data (bottom-up).
To learn more about the Kick-off Meeting in Rome, click on the agenda, minutes and presentations below:
+ Download Kick-off Meeting Agenda
+ Download Kick-off Meeting Minutes
Web 2.0 challenges for NSIs
Emanuele Baldacci | Department Director | Istat
Measuring progress, GDP and beyond looking at Horizon 2020
Marleen De Smedt | Adviser to the DG | Eurostat
Overall Web-COSI vision, structure and objectives
Donatella Fazio | Web-COSI Scientific Coordinator | Istat
Engaging and motivating citizen to contribute. A Wiki for progress statistics
Katherine Scrivens | Wiki Manager | OECD
The information and data from the civil society to empower the policies
Grazia Naletto | President | Lunaria
The data needs to support the effectiveness of social entrepreneurship initiative
Tommy Hutchinson | CEO | i-genius
Web-COSI communication strategy
Barry Crisp | Director, Media & Communications | i-genius
The experience of e-Frame project – European Framework for Measuring Progress
Marina Signore | member Web-COSI Advisory Board | Istat
Management of Web-COSI – coordination of the consortium
Maria Grazia Calza | Project Manager | Istat
You can now view a brief selection of photos from the Web-COSI kick-off meeting which took place in Rome, Italy on 9th January 2014.